Yoga of Aahaar (Food)

  • Concept of Aahaar (Food) and Annamaya Kosha( Food Sheath)

  • Vana (Forest), vanaspati (Plants), and Aushadhi (Herbal Medicine)

  • Prani (Living Being), Prana (Lifeforce), Pranamaya (Vital Energy Sheath)

  • Eating like a Yogi: Concept of Sattvic, Rajasic, Tamasic foods

  • The aura, emotions, and pranic foods

  • Six tastes and Vata-Pitta-Kapha Balancing

  • Yama and Niyama of Aahaar (Yogic Do’s and Don’ts of eating)

  • Ahar Shuddhi (Diet purification) to Vichar Shuddhi (Mind purification): Upvasas and Vratas (Fasting)

  • Making food your correct medicine: Your food Prescription

  • Anna danam (The Sacred offering of Food), Food rituals and Prayers

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